What Are The Leap's Email Deliverability Rates?
The Leap is actually part of Thinkific - a publicly traded software company, established in 2012. Thinkific has been doing email for a long time, and has established a consistently high deliverability rate over the years. The Leap shares Thinkific's IP address, meaning you get to access the same strong deliverability rates, right out the gate!
Why Do I Need to Provide My Physical Mailing Address?
In order to send emails on your behalf, The Leap is legally required to have your physical address on file. The main reason we would use it, is if we receive an unsubscribe request on your behalf via physical mail - we would reach out to you via your physical address as a back up, if we weren't able to reach you via email. Please note that your physical address will never be revealed to your contacts, it's for The Leap's internal records only. For more information please check out Anti-Spam Compliance policy.
Can I Use My Personal Email Address to Send Emails from The Leap?
Not currently. All emails sent via The Leap are delivered from no-reply@theleap.co. If this is a feature you're interested in though, please reach out and let us know! We're actively seeking feedback on this feature and want you to help us shape where it goes next.
Can My Contacts Respond to Email Sent via The Leap?
Not currently. All emails sent via The Leap are delivered from a "no-reply" email address. If this is a feature you're interested in though, please reach out and let us know! We're actively seeking feedback on this feature and want you to help us shape where it goes next.
How Does The Leap Manage Email Marketing Consent on My Behalf?
The Leap takes marketing consent seriously. We have implemented a double opt-in system to ensure that the contacts on your list actually want to receive emails from you. The first opt-in event happens during checkout, when they provide their email address in exchange for a lead magnet or paid product. The second event happens when they click the button in the email, to access the product.
Why Does The Leap Use a Double-opt In Consent System?
Quite simply - double opt-in is best practice in email marketing. No matter how big your list is, unless your contacts gave you consent to email them, you won’t see great results. The double opt-in system ensures you’ve got a list full of engaged users with real email addresses. These users are way more likely to actually interact with your messages and not ignore you or mark you as spam.
Please note that contacts can unsubscribe form your list at any time by clicking the 'Unsubscribe' link in the footer of your emails.
In the Contacts table, What Does the 'Subscribed' Tag Mean?
The 'Subscribed' tag is applied to any contact that has completed the double opt-in consent process. This contact will automatically be included in any of your email campaigns going forward (assuming they fulfill your email targeting criteria).
In the Contacts Table, What Does the 'Requires Opt-in' Tag Mean?
There are two scenarios in which a contact can have a 'Requires opt-in' tag assigned:
1. They have have not yet clicked the button in the email sent to them after checkout, to access the product (ie they have provided only single opt-in so far, not double)
2. They are based in the UK or EU, and did not opt-in to email marketing during checkout (EU GDPR rules state that customers must actively opt-in to email marketing during the checkout process)
In either scenario, this contact will automatically be excluded from any of your email campaigns, until they complete the double opt-in process.
In the Contacts Table, What Does the 'Unsubscribed' Tag Mean?
The 'Unsubscribed' tag is applied when a contact has clicked the 'Unsubscribe' link in the footer of one of your emails. This contact will no longer be included in any of your email campaigns going forward.
Can I Attach or Paste Images to My Emails?
Not currently. At the moment you can make use of the rich-text editing features, as well as add variables and buttons to you emails, but images are not available. If this is a feature you're interested in though, please reach out and let us know! We're actively seeking feedback on this feature and want you to help us shape where it goes next.
Can I Customize the Email Template Design?
Not currently. We believe that sometimes, less is more. So for now we have opted for a single, simple template for all users. If this is a feature you're interested in though, please reach out and let us know! We're actively seeking feedback on this feature and want you to help us shape where it goes next.
Can I Add Buttons to My Emails?
Yes! For a step by step guide, check out this video (skip to 2:00 mins for the button demo).
I've Set-up a Flow, but I want to Send the Same Email to My Existing Contacts. How Do I Do This?
Emails in Flows only get sent to contacts that fulfill your trigger/s after you have activated the Flow. You can send the same email to your existing contacts by using Broadcasts, however. Here's how:
- navigate to the Flow in question
- click on the email you wish to send to your existing contacts
- copy the email body text directly from the email editor
- create a new Broadcast, selecting the recipients you wish to send it to
- paste the email body text (from the Flow email) into the email editor of your Broadcast email
- save and send the Broadcast!
What Does 'Pending Confirmation' Mean under Contacts > Subscription?
Pending Confirmation simply means that your customer has not yet opened the email and clicked on the link. Once they have done this, your contact subscription will say 'subscribed'.